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One Mission.  One Vision.  One Another


We’ve been sent back to a very ancient way of doing church: the household. We are slowed. We are limited in contact with the wider gathering, but that should not limit community with God and with others. We could come out of this closer to Him and to one another. We could come out of this with new passion, fervor, connections, and tools to share the gospel, together.


The church tends to be at her best when we are forced to innovate. To slow down. To see what matters most. God is showing us the essentials of “church” in this pandemic. We have the opportunity as those leading the priesthood of believers to press in more than ever before. We will be wise. We will have conversations we would never have had before. The Lord is very much on the move in our midst.


This guide is a beginning consideration toward how we will keep (and grow) the community of saints amid the pandemic. Right now is the time where Groups discipleship ministry becomes most important. The Church of Jesus Christ is the hope for the community in these days.​


1) RightNow Media - click the icon to the right for a free account with Midway Church and get access to 20,000+ Digital Discipleship Resources.

2)  21 Days of Prayer - join us in praying the next couple of weeks leading up to Easter Sunday with this 21 Day Prayer Guide by clicking on the icon to the right.

3) Recommended RightNow Studies - once you setup a free RightNow Media account with us, feel free to use this recommended RightNow Studies Guide to find some that will help grow you into greater Christlikeness.

4)  15 Free Readings - to read in the days of anxious headlines. You may share this with your Group Members for selective personal readings and/or to use selectively with the accompanying questions as the basis for Virtual Group discussion.

5) 14 Day Anxious & Discouraged Podcast - The Gentle and Lowly podcast is a 14-day audio devotional exploring the heart of Christ for sinners and sufferers.



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